Review from a male point of view!
Wonder what a MALE REVIEWER might say about my 1st Book on Amazon, read ahead! ♥️ D. Roberts VINE VOICE 5.0 out of 5 stars High Society erotic escapism

August 27, 2017 Format: Paperback
Ela Zalewski is a high end wine marketer from Montreal, Canada. While on a business trip to Europe she happens upon a handsome billionaire named Torsten Lucas Furst. While Ela is beautiful, built like a cheerleader & quite the temptress with myriad sexual escapades in her past, she has never met "Mr. Right." At first thing believes a tryst with Torsten won't be any different. Slowly, however, she finds that the firewall she has put up between her & the notion of love is being doused by Torsten's fervent affinity for her.
Of course, being with a billionaire is complicated. Being with a billionaire who is estranged from his wife is even more complicated. Like Julia Roberts' character in Pretty Woman, Ela doesn't want to be "put up" in a mansion, always waiting for Torsten to pop in & out. Rather, she wants something more ~ much more. This leads to a break-up of monumental proportions.
Torsten's friend, Jonas (also a billionaire in his own right) observes that his buddy is giving up on the best thing that ever happened to him: Ela. He intercedes and tries to play Cupid in the most elaborate concocted romantic intervention in the history of the world. With practically infinite resources at his disposal, can he get them back together again?
Just as The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? offers the reader a glimpse into the esoteric world of experimental physicists, so too does the present book delve into the remote lifestyle of the professional wine promoter. The book goes into great detail in describing the textures, vineyards and flavors of sundry exotic wines. As such, we are given a taste(!) of the world of someone whose life revolves around fine wines. As a dude who doesn't drink wine (or alcohol period, in fact), I concede I "zoned out" in the deep dives of winemaking / wine drinking. Readers who are Connoisseurs of fine wines will appreciate this aspect of the novel much more than myself.
In a time where it seems that the world is falling apart, it does the heart good to have an "escapist" fairy tale type story once in awhile. While there is duplicity in the story, for once it is magnanimous duplicity as opposed to the mean-spirited variety that we're all so accustomed to. The book offers fully developed characters in an erotic novel as opposed to the "stock" characters you typically get in erotic short stories. Finally, I found Torsten & Jonas to be much less stodgy, arrogant, materialistic & narcissistic than typical "mysterious rich men" in books of this genre. Philanthropy is actually(!) a word that is in their vocabulary. Hey, that works for me!!